


  • 每個孩子都是藝術家。問題在於我們長大後,如何繼續當個藝術家。

    Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.

    畢卡索 < 畫家 >

  • 說服別人靠的不是智慧,而是情感。

    You don't persuade people through intellect—you do it through emotion.

    亞里斯多德 < 哲學家 >

  • 創造的本質是釐清如何使用你已經知道的,超越你已經想到的。

    The essence of creativity is figuring out how to use what you already know in order to go beyond what you already think.

    傑羅姆.布魯納 < 心理學家 >

  • 沒有完美時機這種東西,你能做的,只有完美地利用你的時間。

    The time will never be perfect, so you can only make perfect use of your time.

    戴蒙.約翰 < 投資家 >

  • 如果你不選擇,你就不會準備。

    If you're not choosing, you're not preparing.

    麥可.伯特 < 管理學家 >

  • 想要深入了解一個人,與其跟他談話一整年,還不如跟他一起玩樂一小時。

    You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.

    柏拉圖 < 哲學家 >

  • 你無法靠著只站在那裡看海就能渡海。

    You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

    泰戈爾 < 詩人 >

  • 笑是兩人之間最短的距離。

    Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

    維克托.伯格 < 鋼琴家 >

  • 給你帶來麻煩的,不是你不知道的東西,而是你自以為很了解的東西。

    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just isn't so.

    馬克吐溫 < 小說家 >

  • 是我們的選擇顯示我們真正是怎樣的人,而不是我們的能力。

    It's our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

    J.K.羅琳 < 小說家 >